Container 12. File L. , 1928 - 1929
Scope and Contents
Inwards and outwards correspondence. Initially this was arranged in one continuous chronological sequence. However, from 1927 to 1936, a new system was devised and correspondence was arranged by a code system. Each correspondence cluster
was given an alphabetical-numerical code number, e.g. correspondence relating to the Canadian Longshoremen's strike, 1936, was coded W.1
. After the numerical sub-code had reached somewhere between 100 and 150,... that sequence would be terminated and a new sequence would begin under a new letter of the alphabet. The reason for starting a new sequence is uncertain.
A quick glance at the inventory reveals that some of these files seem to have disappeared (Files A-G, for example). However, no chronological gap exists into which they could reasonably be inserted. It is clear also that correspondence from the early years is incomplete. However, some of these gaps may be related to the system whereby certain correspondence was filed separately in other sequences (Subseries 1b-1h).
This series includes correspondence with other branches of the Union (including the Sydney Office), with union members, legal advisers, government departments, ministers of the crown and shipping companies, i.e. material more properly belonging in the other correspondence series.
- 1928 - 1929
- From the Collection: McLeod, George (Person)
- From the Collection: McLeod, Don (Person)
- From the Collection: Kneen, John K. (Person)
- From the Collection: Clarke, William (Person)
- From the Collection: Newfield, Felix (Person)
- From the Collection: Martin, Thomas (Person)
- From the Collection: Walsh, Fintan Patrick (Person)
- From the Collection: New Zealand Seamen's Union. Auckland Branch (Organization)
- From the Collection: Young, William T. (Person)
- From the Collection: Auckland Seamen and Firemen's Industrial Union of Workers (Organization)
- From the Collection: Auckland Local Federated Seamen's Industrial Union of Workers (Organization)
- From the Collection: Anderson, Thomas Frederick (Person)
- From the Collection: Australasian Federated Seamen's Industrial Association. New Zealand Branch. Dunedin Section (Organization)
- From the Collection: Belcher, Bill (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Not restricted.
From the Collection: 2.6 metres (30 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections, University of Auckland Repository
5 Alfred Street
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142 New Zealand