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Architecture Archive legacy Access database

Identifier: MSS &-Archives-ARCH-2024/3
Scope and Contents

This collection record is a placeholder to accommodate a link to the Architecture Archives’ original Access database. The linked digital object is a spreadsheet of the database’s contents that has not yet been fully transferred to our Manuscripts and Archives platform. Please use this download to supplement any searches of our holdings; request access to items using the repository email below.

Dates: 1873 - 2001

Archive of Māori and Pacific Sound 50th anniversary podcast series

Identifier: AMPS 2021/02
Scope and Contents

Five oral history interviews conducted in 2021 with Judith Huntsman, ‘Ōkusitino Māhina, Richard Moyle, Wendy Pond and Anne Salmond.

Dates: 2021

Archives of the Tongan judiciary.

Identifier: Microfilm-97-177/197
Scope and Contents Supreme Court of Tonga: civil and divorce registers 1905-1992; adoption registers 1987-1992; criminal registers, Tongatapu, 1969-1992; civil action registers 1985-1992; miscellaneous judgments 1975-1992; miscellaneous appeal judgments 1986-1992; photographs of Justices George Scott, Henry Stead, Roberts CJ and D. B. Hunter. Land Court of Tonga: minute books 1923- 1940; registers 1923-1991; land case files (selected documents from available files) 1947-1992. Court of Appeal: miscellaneous...
Dates: 1905 - 1995

A.R.D. (Rex) Fairburn letters to Charles Lahr.

Identifier: MSS-Archives-A-123
Scope and Contents Collection comprises 7 letters written, 1932-1941, to Charles Lahr, London. Two letters, 1932, were written in England and give Fairburn's reasons for returning to New Zealand, opinions on literary interests and mutual friends, notably De Montalk. The 1941 letter written from New Zealand re-established contact, recommends Denis Glover's printing, and refers to the Dominion. Signed holograph, with envelope. 6 January 1933. Holograph. 3 pp. 19 October 1931. Sent with some poems for a Blue Moon...
Dates: 1932 - 1941

A.R.D. (Rex) Fairburn literary papers.

Identifier: MSS-Archives-A-125
Scope and Contents Acland, Emmie Adams, W. (2pp) Adult Education Canterbury University College. (7pp). Aickin, Rhoda. E.M. (1pp) Aldrich, Tilli (Frankel). (2pp) Allerton, A.R. (6pp). Alpers, Antony (8pp). Andrews, Isobel (2pp). Angus, Rita (Mackenzie). (1pp) ...
Dates: ca. 1940 - 1957?

A.R.D.(Rex) Fairburn letters to Count Geoffrey Wladislav Voile Potocki De Montalk.

Identifier: MSS-Archives-A-167
Scope and Contents

Letters to Count Geoffrey Wladislav Voile Potocki De Montalk, 1926-1927.

Dates: 1926 - 1927

A.R.D.(Rex) Fairburn literary papers

Identifier: MSS-Archives-A-11
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, scrapbooks, lecture notes, addresses, articles, photographs, programmes, typographical specimens, newspaper clippings, non-commercial phonograph recordings, audio tapes and sound discs of radio talks. The Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, has photocopies of a number of Fairburn letters. The photographs are in Box 3.

Dates: ca.1930-ca.1957

A.R.D.(Rex) Fairburn photographs of Arthur Sewell and Rosemary Seymour.

Identifier: MSS-Archives-89/31
Scope and Contents

Prints of a trip to Greece. On verso of one print: "Easter 1950, Cephalonia. Arthur Sewell and Rosemary (Seymour)". Associated materials: A-11; A-123; A-125, A-167.

Dates: ca. 1950.

Arikirangi Te Turuki Te Kooti notebook.

Identifier: MSS-Archives-Vault 140
Scope and Contents

Fragment of notebook [manuscript] : prophetic interpretations (kupu whakaari), psalms, and hymns in Maori. Associated material: notebook of Te Kooti at MSS & Archives C- 35.

Dates: 1884 - 1884

Arnold Lillie photographic transparencies.

Identifier: MSS-Archives-2012/06
Scope and Contents A collection of 500 plus photographic transparencies (slides) used by Professor Arnold Lillie for teaching purposes. The black and white and colour images are of geological features and processes, such as folds, faults, volcanoes, mountains and rock types, but some also include groups of students on field trips. Most of the slides are numbered and many have captions which include the date they were taken. When received by Special Collections the slides were arranged in a box by...
Dates: 1953 - 1972

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Special Collections, University of Auckland 926
Western Pacific Archives, University of Auckland 123
Archive of Māori and Pacific Sound, University of Auckland 112
Architecture Archive, University of Auckland 43
Fine Arts Special Collections, University of Auckland 29
∨ more  
Oceania -- History -- Sources 88
Tuhinga tawhito 44
Rauemi matua 38
Labor unions -- New Zealand -- Auckland 28
Whakapapa 28
∨ more
Vanuatu -- History -- Sources 22
New Zealand -- Politics and government 18
Political parties -- New Zealand 18
Rua mahara 18
College teachers -- New Zealand -- Auckland 17
Art, New Zealand -- 20th century 15
Rātaka 14
New Zealand poetry -- 20th century 13
Mihinare 12
Tonga -- History -- Sources 12
Mana whenua 11
Iwi taketake 10
Labor unions -- New Zealand -- History -- Sources 10
New Zealand -- Race relations 9
Reta 9
Artists -- New Zealand 8
Maori (New Zealand people) -- Land tenure 8
New Zealand -- Politics and government -- 1972- 8
Oceania -- Discovery and exploration 8
Poets, New Zealand -- Correspondence 8
Political parties -- New Zealand -- Auckland 8
World War, 1914-1918 8
Kōrero nehe 7
New Zealand literature -- Women authors 7
Women authors, New Zealand 7
Women poets, New Zealand 7
Anti-apartheid movements -- New Zealand 6
Auckland (N.Z.) -- History 6
Communism -- New Zealand 6
Manuscripts, Maori 6
Maori (New Zealand people) -- History 6
Maori (New Zealand people) -- Religion 6
New Zealand -- Politics and government -- 1945-1984 6
Poets, New Zealand -- 20th century 6
Art -- Study and teaching -- New Zealand 5
Art, New Zealand -- 20th century -- Exhibitions 5
Australian literature -- 20th century 5
Australian literature -- Women authors 5
Authors, Australian 5
Authors, New Zealand 5
Labor unions -- New Zealand -- Auckland -- History -- Sources 5
Maori (New Zealand people) -- Genealogy 5
New Zealand -- History -- New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872 5
New Zealand literature -- 20th century 5
Ture whenua 5
Waiata 5
Whenua tautohetohe 5
Women authors, Australian 5
Academic libraries -- New Zealand -- Auckland 4
Antinuclear movement -- New Zealand 4
Auckland University College -- Faculty -- Archives 4
Authors, New Zealand -- 20th century 4
Children, Maori -- Education -- History -- Sources 4
Civil rights -- New Zealand 4
College teachers -- New Zealand -- Auckland -- Archives 4
Labor laws and legislation -- New Zealand 4
Labor unions -- New Zealand 4
Labor unions -- New Zealand -- Auckland -- History 4
Legislators -- New Zealand 4
Logbooks 4
Maori (New Zealand people) -- Land tenure -- History -- Sources 4
Mātauranga 4
New Zealand -- Politics and government -- 1918-1945 4
Peace movements -- New Zealand 4
Political parties -- New Zealand -- Auckland -- History -- Sources 4
Politicians -- New Zealand 4
Pūrākau 4
Ringatῡ 4
Stevedores -- Labor unions -- New Zealand -- Auckland 4
Tiriti o Waitangi 4
Waterfront Strike, N.Z., 1951 -- Sources 4
Whakapono 4
Whenua raupatu 4
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Solomon Islands 4
Abortion -- Law and Legislation -- New Zealand 3
Adult education -- New Zealand -- Auckland 3
Architects -- New Zealand -- Archives 3
Authors, New Zealand -- 20th century -- Correspondence 3
Carpenters -- New Zealand -- Auckland -- History 3
Clothing workers -- Labor unions -- New Zealand -- Auckland 3
Clothing workers -- New Zealand -- Auckland 3
Contested elections -- New Zealand 3
Election districts -- New Zealand -- Auckland 3
Fiji -- Church history 3
Hopu reo 3
Labor unions -- New Zealand -- History 3
Legislators -- New Zealand -- Archives 3
Legislators -- New Zealand -- Correspondence 3
Library buildings -- New Zealand -- Auckland 3
Maori (New Zealand people) -- Folklore 3
Missionaries -- New Zealand 3
Missions -- Melanesia 3
Missions -- Papua New Guinea 3
Music -- Societies, etc. 3
New Zealand -- Colonization 3
+ ∧ less
English 1057
Maori 86
Austronesian languages 29
Rarotongan; Cook Islands Maori 23
Papuan languages 16
∨ more  
Great Britain. High Commission for Western Pacific Islands 124
Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office 123
University of Auckland 55
Auckland University College 52
Central Archives of Fiji and the Western Pacific High Commission 45
∨ more
New Zealand Labour Party 40
New Zealand. Parliament 21
Roth, Bert 20
Australian National University. Pacific Manuscripts Bureau 17
Sinclair, Keith 16
University of Auckland. Library 16
McAra, W (Wilfred) 13
New Hebrides. British Service. Office of the Resident Commissioner 13
Church Missionary Society 12
Verran, David 12
Hyde, Robin 10
New Zealand Federation of Labour 10
Gustafson, Barry 9
Biggs, Bruce 8
Communist Party of New Zealand 8
Grey, George, Sir 8
Holloway, Ronald 8
Lee, John A (John Alexander) 8
Moyle, Richard M. 8
New Zealand Labour Party. Auckland Regional Council 8
New Zealand Workers' Educational Association 8
Robb, George Douglas 8
United States Exploring Expedition (1838- 1842) 8
Church of the Province of New Zealand 7
Durey, Peter 7
New Zealand Waterside Workers' Union 7
Ngata, Apirana Turupa, Sir 7
Pearson, Bill 7
Sargeson, Frank 7
Smithyman, Kendrick 7
Airey, W. T. G. 6
Elam School of Fine Arts 6
Fairburn, A.R.D. (Arthur Rex Dugard) 6
Great Britain. Admiralty and Secretariat 6
Leadbeater, Maire 6
Mair, Gilbert 6
New Zealand. Maori Land Court 6
Prebble, John 6
United Beverage, Food and General Workers' Union 6
Ardern, P. S. (Philip Sydney) 5
Auckland University College. Students' Association 5
Brunton, Alan 5
Curnow, Allen 5
Dadson, Phil 5
Fowlds, G.M. (George Matthew), 1886-1974 5
Leggott, Michele J. 5
Lowry, Bob 5
McEldowney, Dennis 5
Metge, Joan 5
New Zealand Carpenters and Related Trades' Industrial Union of Workers 5
Service & Food Workers Union 5
University of New Zealand 5
Wilkes, Charles 5
Alpers, Antony 4
Auckland Chamber Music Society 4
Auckland Grammar School 4
Auckland Trades Council 4
Auckland University Students' Association 4
Bassett, Michael 4
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (N.Z.) 4
Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Papeete (Tahiti) 4
Citizens Association for Racial Equality 4
Crosado, D.A. (Doug A.) 4
Cumberland, Kenneth B. (Kenneth Brailey) 4
Douglas, Norman Vasey 4
Droescher, Werner 4
Great Britain. Consulate (Nuku'alofa, Tonga) 4
Hohepa, Patrick W. (Patrick Wahanga) 4
Kemp, Jan, 1949- 4
Lancaster, G. B. 4
Langstone, Frank 4
Lloyd Prichard, Muriel F. 4
Loney, Alan 4
Mahuta, R. T., Sir (Robert Te Kotahi) (1939-2001) 4
McLean, Mervyn (1930-2022) 4
Methodist Church 4
Mitchell, William 4
Northern Local Government Officers' Union 4
Sorrenson, M. P. K. 4
Thomas, A.P.W. (Algernon Phillips Withiel) 4
University of Auckland. Dept. of English 4
Walker, Ranginui (Ranginui Joseph Isaac) (1932-2016) 4
Walsh, Fintan Patrick 4
Yensen, Helen 4
Adventure (Bark) 3
Aldis, W. Steadman (William Steadman) 3
Anderson, Thomas Frederick 3
Association of University Teachers of New Zealand 3
Auckland (N.Z.). City Council 3
Auckland Hospital 3
Auckland Hospital . Board 3
Auckland Provincial District Local Authorities Officers Industrial Union of Workers 3
Auckland Repertory Theatre 3
Auckland University College. Council 3
Auckland University College. School of Engineering 3
+ ∧ less