Showing Collections: 1151 - 1160 of 1235
William Lusty First World War newspaper clipping collection
Newspaper cuttings, 1914-1919, relating to the First World War, from various New Zealand newspapers, pasted in 18 volumes.
William Lyon correspondence.
William Mantell notebook.
An alphabetically indexed notebook containing recipes for remedies to cure various diseases as well as herbal cosmetic recipes. The last 13 pages contain poetry of the author. The book is dated Londonderry, 19 July 1876.
William Puckey papers.
Journals and letters of the Rev. W.G. Puckey, missionary at Kaitaia, 1831-1861. V.1: p.1-259; v.2:p.260-533 [25]p. At the end of Volume 2: 3 letters to W. Puckey: from W. Clift, 3 February 1817; from Maria Barlow, 7 April 1823; from Jane Wildbore, 27 July 1835. Photocopy of typescript.
William Richardson manuscript.
A typescript of 'Fifty years of classics: a history of the Auckland University College Classics Department from 1883-1933'. [Auckland 1966].
William Satchell letter.
Letter, 7 April 1937, Mount Roskill, to H.R. Urquhart, Northcote. The letter is a reply to a letter of sympathy.
William Steadman Aldis papers.
Collection comprises a scrapbook compiled by Amy Aldis who pasted ephemera, letters, photographs, and a biography of her father, into a roll book recording attendance and marks for mathematics classes held in 1892 and 1893 at Auckland University College.
Wilson and Juriss architectural drawings and associated papers.
Collection consists of architectural drawings and associated records
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- Special Collections, University of Auckland 926
- Western Pacific Archives, University of Auckland 123
- Archive of Māori and Pacific Sound, University of Auckland 112
- Architecture Archive, University of Auckland 43
- Fine Arts Special Collections, University of Auckland 29
- Media Services, The University of Auckland 2 + ∧ less
- Subject
- Oceania -- History -- Sources 88
- Tuhinga tawhito 44
- Rauemi matua 38
- Labor unions -- New Zealand -- Auckland 28
- Whakapapa 28
- Vanuatu -- History -- Sources 22
- New Zealand -- Politics and government 18
- Political parties -- New Zealand 18
- Rua mahara 18
- College teachers -- New Zealand -- Auckland 17
- Art, New Zealand -- 20th century 15
- Rātaka 14
- New Zealand poetry -- 20th century 13
- Mihinare 12
- Tonga -- History -- Sources 12
- Mana whenua 11
- Iwi taketake 10
- Labor unions -- New Zealand -- History -- Sources 10
- New Zealand -- Race relations 9
- Reta 9
- Artists -- New Zealand 8
- Maori (New Zealand people) -- Land tenure 8
- New Zealand -- Politics and government -- 1972- 8
- Oceania -- Discovery and exploration 8
- Poets, New Zealand -- Correspondence 8
- Political parties -- New Zealand -- Auckland 8
- World War, 1914-1918 8
- Kōrero nehe 7
- New Zealand literature -- Women authors 7
- Women authors, New Zealand 7
- Women poets, New Zealand 7
- Anti-apartheid movements -- New Zealand 6
- Auckland (N.Z.) -- History 6
- Communism -- New Zealand 6
- Manuscripts, Maori 6
- Maori (New Zealand people) -- History 6
- Maori (New Zealand people) -- Religion 6
- New Zealand -- Politics and government -- 1945-1984 6
- Poets, New Zealand -- 20th century 6
- Art -- Study and teaching -- New Zealand 5
- Art, New Zealand -- 20th century -- Exhibitions 5
- Australian literature -- 20th century 5
- Australian literature -- Women authors 5
- Authors, Australian 5
- Authors, New Zealand 5
- Labor unions -- New Zealand -- Auckland -- History -- Sources 5
- Maori (New Zealand people) -- Genealogy 5
- New Zealand -- History -- New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872 5
- New Zealand literature -- 20th century 5
- Ture whenua 5
- Waiata 5
- Whenua tautohetohe 5
- Women authors, Australian 5
- Academic libraries -- New Zealand -- Auckland 4
- Antinuclear movement -- New Zealand 4
- Auckland University College -- Faculty -- Archives 4
- Authors, New Zealand -- 20th century 4
- Children, Maori -- Education -- History -- Sources 4
- Civil rights -- New Zealand 4
- College teachers -- New Zealand -- Auckland -- Archives 4
- Labor laws and legislation -- New Zealand 4
- Labor unions -- New Zealand 4
- Labor unions -- New Zealand -- Auckland -- History 4
- Legislators -- New Zealand 4
- Logbooks 4
- Maori (New Zealand people) -- Land tenure -- History -- Sources 4
- Mātauranga 4
- New Zealand -- Politics and government -- 1918-1945 4
- Peace movements -- New Zealand 4
- Political parties -- New Zealand -- Auckland -- History -- Sources 4
- Politicians -- New Zealand 4
- Pūrākau 4
- Ringatῡ 4
- Stevedores -- Labor unions -- New Zealand -- Auckland 4
- Tiriti o Waitangi 4
- Waterfront Strike, N.Z., 1951 -- Sources 4
- Whakapono 4
- Whenua raupatu 4
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Solomon Islands 4
- Abortion -- Law and Legislation -- New Zealand 3
- Adult education -- New Zealand -- Auckland 3
- Architects -- New Zealand -- Archives 3
- Authors, New Zealand -- 20th century -- Correspondence 3
- Carpenters -- New Zealand -- Auckland -- History 3
- Clothing workers -- Labor unions -- New Zealand -- Auckland 3
- Clothing workers -- New Zealand -- Auckland 3
- Contested elections -- New Zealand 3
- Election districts -- New Zealand -- Auckland 3
- Fiji -- Church history 3
- Hopu reo 3
- Labor unions -- New Zealand -- History 3
- Legislators -- New Zealand -- Archives 3
- Legislators -- New Zealand -- Correspondence 3
- Library buildings -- New Zealand -- Auckland 3
- Maori (New Zealand people) -- Folklore 3
- Missionaries -- New Zealand 3
- Missions -- Melanesia 3
- Missions -- Papua New Guinea 3
- Music -- Societies, etc. 3
- New Zealand -- Colonization 3 + ∧ less
- Language
- English 1057
- Maori 86
- Austronesian languages 29
- Rarotongan; Cook Islands Maori 23
- Papuan languages 16
- Fijian 15
- Tonga (Tonga Islands) 14
- French 12
- Samoan 8
- Tokelau 8
- German 7
- Tuvalu 7
- Niuean 6
- Chinese 5
- Undetermined 5
- Australian languages 3
- Spanish; Castilian 3
- Tahitian 3
- Bislama 2
- Indonesian 2
- Rapanui 2
- Niuean 1
- Gilbertese 1
- Hawaiian 1
- Hindi 1
- Javanese 1
- Japanese 1
- Latin 1
- Marshallese 1
- Malay 1
- Swedish 1
- Yapese 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- Great Britain. High Commission for Western Pacific Islands 124
- Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office 123
- University of Auckland 55
- Auckland University College 52
- Central Archives of Fiji and the Western Pacific High Commission 45
- New Zealand Labour Party 40
- New Zealand. Parliament 21
- Roth, Bert 20
- Australian National University. Pacific Manuscripts Bureau 17
- Sinclair, Keith 16
- University of Auckland. Library 16
- McAra, W (Wilfred) 13
- New Hebrides. British Service. Office of the Resident Commissioner 13
- Church Missionary Society 12
- Verran, David 12
- Hyde, Robin 10
- New Zealand Federation of Labour 10
- Gustafson, Barry 9
- Biggs, Bruce 8
- Communist Party of New Zealand 8
- Grey, George, Sir 8
- Holloway, Ronald 8
- Lee, John A (John Alexander) 8
- Moyle, Richard M. 8
- New Zealand Labour Party. Auckland Regional Council 8
- New Zealand Workers' Educational Association 8
- Robb, George Douglas 8
- United States Exploring Expedition (1838- 1842) 8
- Church of the Province of New Zealand 7
- Durey, Peter 7
- New Zealand Waterside Workers' Union 7
- Ngata, Apirana Turupa, Sir 7
- Pearson, Bill 7
- Sargeson, Frank 7
- Smithyman, Kendrick 7
- Airey, W. T. G. 6
- Elam School of Fine Arts 6
- Fairburn, A.R.D. (Arthur Rex Dugard) 6
- Great Britain. Admiralty and Secretariat 6
- Leadbeater, Maire 6
- Mair, Gilbert 6
- New Zealand. Maori Land Court 6
- Prebble, John 6
- United Beverage, Food and General Workers' Union 6
- Ardern, P. S. (Philip Sydney) 5
- Auckland University College. Students' Association 5
- Brunton, Alan 5
- Curnow, Allen 5
- Dadson, Phil 5
- Fowlds, G.M. (George Matthew), 1886-1974 5
- Leggott, Michele J. 5
- Lowry, Bob 5
- McEldowney, Dennis 5
- Metge, Joan 5
- New Zealand Carpenters and Related Trades' Industrial Union of Workers 5
- Service & Food Workers Union 5
- University of New Zealand 5
- Wilkes, Charles 5
- Alpers, Antony 4
- Auckland Chamber Music Society 4
- Auckland Grammar School 4
- Auckland Trades Council 4
- Auckland University Students' Association 4
- Bassett, Michael 4
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (N.Z.) 4
- Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Papeete (Tahiti) 4
- Citizens Association for Racial Equality 4
- Crosado, D.A. (Doug A.) 4
- Cumberland, Kenneth B. (Kenneth Brailey) 4
- Douglas, Norman Vasey 4
- Droescher, Werner 4
- Great Britain. Consulate (Nuku'alofa, Tonga) 4
- Hohepa, Patrick W. (Patrick Wahanga) 4
- Kemp, Jan, 1949- 4
- Lancaster, G. B. 4
- Langstone, Frank 4
- Lloyd Prichard, Muriel F. 4
- Loney, Alan 4
- Mahuta, R. T., Sir (Robert Te Kotahi) (1939-2001) 4
- McLean, Mervyn (1930-2022) 4
- Methodist Church 4
- Mitchell, William 4
- Northern Local Government Officers' Union 4
- Sorrenson, M. P. K. 4
- Thomas, A.P.W. (Algernon Phillips Withiel) 4
- University of Auckland. Dept. of English 4
- Walker, Ranginui (Ranginui Joseph Isaac) (1932-2016) 4
- Walsh, Fintan Patrick 4
- Yensen, Helen 4
- Adventure (Bark) 3
- Aldis, W. Steadman (William Steadman) 3
- Anderson, Thomas Frederick 3
- Association of University Teachers of New Zealand 3
- Auckland (N.Z.). City Council 3
- Auckland Hospital 3
- Auckland Hospital . Board 3
- Auckland Provincial District Local Authorities Officers Industrial Union of Workers 3
- Auckland Repertory Theatre 3
- Auckland University College. Council 3
- Auckland University College. School of Engineering 3 + ∧ less