Box C3030194
Contains 24 Results:
High Commissioner for the W.P. Chinese in the British Solomon Islands Protectorate - Question of. 15.10.1930. , 1930 - 1930
File — Box: C3030194
Identifier: MSS Archives. 2003/01. WPHC 5. File 59/1930
The Secretary of State. New Hebrides:- Discussion at Imperial Conference on future of. 29.10.1930. , 1930 - 1930
File — Box: C3030194
Identifier: MSS Archives. 2003/01. WPHC 5. File 63/1930
Holland, Captain F.G.L. Proposed honour of M.B.E. (Civil Division) 1930. , 1930 - 1930
File — Box: C3030194
Identifier: MSS Archives. 2003/01. WPHC 5. File 68/1930
District Officer, Fanning Island. Annual Returns of Naval, Military, and Air Resources: 31st Dec., 1930. 15.12.1930. , 1931 - 1931
File — Box: C3030194
Identifier: MSS Archives. 2003/01. WPHC 5. File 2/1931
Resident Commissioner, B.S.I. Return of Naval, Military, and Air Resources of B.S.I.P. for year ending 31st Dec., 1930. 2.1.1931. , 1931 - 1931
File — Box: C3030194
Identifier: MSS Archives. 2003/01. WPHC 5. File 7/1931
Resident Commissioner, B.S.I. Oil: Return of estimated consumption of in B.S.I.P. during 1930. 2.1.1931. , 1931 - 1931
File — Box: C3030194
Identifier: MSS Archives. 2003/01. WPHC 5. File 8/1931
Royal Naval Reservists in W.P.:- Returns for 1930. , 1931 - 1931
File — Box: C3030194
Identifier: MSS Archives. 2003/01. WPHC 5. File 9/1931
Resident Commissioner, G.&.E.I. Return of Naval, Military, and Air Resources in G.&.E.I.C. for year ending 31st Dec., 1930. 2.1.1931. , 1931 - 1931
File — Box: C3030194
Identifier: MSS Archives. 2003/01. WPHC 5. File 11/1931
The Secretary of State. Telegrams of Extreme Urgency:- Substitution of Prefix Most Immediate
for prefix state
in. 7.5.1931.
, 1931 - 1931
File — Box: C3030194
Identifier: MSS Archives. 2003/01. WPHC 5. File 34/1931
Resident Commissioner, B.S.I. Mr. Sheng Hwa Shias: Recognition of appointment of as Deputy-in-Charge of Overseas Chinese Affairs in B.S.I.P. 2.7.1931. , 1931 - 1931
File — Box: C3030194
Identifier: MSS Archives. 2003/01. WPHC 5. File 41/1931