Reel AU Microfilm 79-204
Contains 238 Results:
From Ag. Secretary, W.P.H.C. Submits for signature Ordinance No. 2 of 1919 (Interpretation)., 1919
File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS Archives.2003/1.WPHC 4/IV.1919. File 403/1919
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
Files MP 1/1919 – MP 2645/1919
From Ag. Secretary, W.P.H.C. Submits for signature King's Regulation No 3 of 1919 (Interpretation)., 1919
File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS Archives.2003/1.WPHC 4/IV.1919. File 404/1919
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
Files MP 1/1919 – MP 2645/1919
From Colonial Secretary, Fiji. Transmits a further report from the District Commissioner, Lautoka, regarding the ship-wrecked Ellice Islanders., 1919
File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS Archives.2003/1.WPHC 4/IV.1919. File 405/1919
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
Files MP 1/1919 – MP 2645/1919
From Messrs. Burns, Philp and Co. Suva, Fiji. Applies for a permit for the steamer Georgina Rolph to load about 1800 tons of copra at Nukualofa or Vavau, Tonga, for San Francisco during March and April and states that the copra will be consigned to Messrs Burns, Philp and Company of San Francisco. Inc., 1919
File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS Archives.2003/1.WPHC 4/IV.1919. File 406/1919
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
Files MP 1/1919 – MP 2645/1919
From Resident Commissioner, New Hebrides. Asks to be informed what is the latest professional opinion as to the efficacy of inoculation against pneumonic influenza., 1919
File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS Archives.2003/1.WPHC 4/IV.1919. File 409/1919
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
Files MP 1/1919 – MP 2645/1919
From His Excellency The Governor-General, New Zealand. States that arrangements have been made to retain Mr. Burge and the Gilbert Islanders at Auckland until Sydney has been declared a clean port by the medical authorities., 1919
File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS Archives.2003/1.WPHC 4/IV.1919. File 410/1919
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
Files MP 1/1919 – MP 2645/1919
From Ag. Secretary, Western Pacific High Comm. Suva. Telegram to Messrs. Burns, Philp and Co. Sydney asking when Mr. Workman is due in Suva., 1919
File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS Archives.2003/1.WPHC 4/IV.1919. File 414/1919
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
Files MP 1/1919 – MP 2645/1919
From Miss Joan Livingston, Suva. Applies for the position of Junior Lady Typist in the High Commissioner's Office., 1919
File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS Archives.2003/1.WPHC 4/IV.1919. File 415/1919
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
Files MP 1/1919 – MP 2645/1919
From Messrs. Burns, Philp and Co. Sydney. States that Mr. Workman sailed by the S.S. Atua on Friday last., 1919
File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS Archives.2003/1.WPHC 4/IV.1919. File 416/1919
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
Files MP 1/1919 – MP 2645/1919
From His Excellency Governor-General, Aust. States that the Garrison and Wireless Station at Nauru is the subject of correspondence with the Prime Minister in London and that it is not possible to furnish information at present., 1919
File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS Archives.2003/1.WPHC 4/IV.1919. File 417/1919
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
Files MP 1/1919 – MP 2645/1919