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Box C1225910


Contains 1 Result:

Framed set of postage stamps of Kingdom of Tonga. (See WPA file 20).

 File — Box: C1225910
Identifier: MSS Archives. 2003/01. WPHC 10. Series XV. File 328
Scope and Contents From the Collection: I. Oaths. 1925–1952. II. Ordinances. 1916–1951. III. Regulations. 1879–1951 IV. Rules, Orders & Regulations. 1927–1951. V. Proclamations. 1895–1951. VI. Acts. 1835–1939. VII. Commissions. 1877–1950. VIII. Descriptive Indexes and Registers. 1880–1961. IX. Reports. 1881–1958. X. W.P.H.C. Deeds and Licences. 1881–1922. XI. Papers relating to Marine Matters. 1879–1959. XII. Papers relating to G.E.I.C. Affairs. 1892–1946. XIII. Papers relating to B.S.I.P. Affairs. 1919–1962. XIV. Papers...
Dates: 1877-1962; 1835 - 1972