Reports by Commodore Wilson to the High Commissioner:- No. 1 The Sandfly Massacre. No. 2 The Colony of the Marquis de Ray. No. 3 Outrages by white men against natives in New Britain No. 4 Murder of Captain Murray and Messrs. Benninger and Anderson by the Natives of Kabeira, New Britain. No. 5 Complaint by Mr. Brodie, master of the Ariel against the masters of the schooners Leslie and Venture, for spreading false report with reference to the loss of the Arial. 1880. (3 copies). , 1880 - 1880
Scope and Contents
The volumes of typescript copies on land issues in the Solomon Islands (items 31-41) include references to original documents in the Inwards Correspondence series WPHC 4/IV, eg '61/05' refers to WPHC 4/IV/61/1905.
- 1880 - 1880
- From the Collection: Great Britain. High Commission for Western Pacific Islands (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Not restricted.
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© UK Crown copyright. Digital versions are licenced under the UK Open Government Licence v3.0
Much of the Western Pacific Archives (WPA) is subject to UK Crown copyright legislation. With attribution you are free to transcribe, translate, index and quote from published or unpublished Crown copyright material from the WPA as extensively as you wish. You may also reproduce copies of Crown copyright material for purposes of private study, non-commercial research or education. Please contact Special Collections regarding other uses including publication.
From the Collection: 2.95 metres (13 boxes + 1 v.)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Western Pacific Archives, University of Auckland Repository
5 Alfred Street
Private Bag 92019
Auckland New Zealand