From The Secretary of State. Asks for a telegraphic reply with least possible delay to his despatch No. 136 of 6th August last concerning Mr. G.G.L. Tilford, Junior Wireless Operator, Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, regarding his desire to remain in the employment of the Government., 1919
File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS Archives.2003/1.WPHC 4/IV.1919. File 400/1919
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
Files MP 1/1919 – MP 2645/1919
- 1919
- From the Collection: Great Britain. High Commission for Western Pacific Islands (Organization)
- From the Collection: Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Organization)
Language of Materials
From the Collection:
English .
Conditions Governing Access
Not restricted.
From the Collection: 5.49 metres (24 boxes + 11 microfilm reels)
Repository Details
Part of the Western Pacific Archives, University of Auckland Repository
5 Alfred Street
Private Bag 92019
Auckland New Zealand
5 Alfred Street
Private Bag 92019
Auckland New Zealand