Auckland: the new moasaic. Richard Bedford - 'Beyond the Bombays: Auckland in the heartland', and David Craig - 'Dominion Road is bending: from bushrangers to migrant multiculturalism in Auckland's bible belt', 2003-07-22
Scope and Contents
Recording briefly fragmentary at 43 minutes.
- 2003-07-22
Conditions Governing Use
Digital surrogate supplied for personal research or study purposes only.
From the Collection: 0.6 metres (3 boxes containing: 91 cassettes, 31 CD-Rs, and 6 DVD-Rs.)
From the Collection: 504 Gigabytes
Language of Materials
Legal Status
Where you are the owner of copyright work which you believe is available on the University of Auckland network in such a way that does not satisfy the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright Act 1994 or otherwise constitutes a copyright infringement, or a breach of an agreed licence or contract, please notify the University using the Copyright Takedown Notice and forward to the Copyright Officer of the University of Auckland.
Original catalogue number: SC04-0008.
Repository Details
Part of the Media Services, The University of Auckland Repository
5 Alfred Street
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142 New Zealand