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Central Archives of Fiji and the Western Pacific High Commission



The Central Archives of Fiji and the Western Pacific were created in 1952 when the roles of Governor of Fiji and Western Pacific High Commissioner (WPHC) were separated and the office of the WPHC relocated to Honiara, Solomon Islands. As part of this restructure the pre 1920 records of the WPHC were transferred to the Central Archives rather than being moved to Honiara. Over time surviving non-current records from the New Hebrides British Service (NHBS), the British Solomon Islands Protectorate (BSIP), the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony (GEIC), the British Agent and Consul to Tonga (BCT) and Pitcairn (PIT) were also transferred to the Central Archives.

In addition to housing, preserving and listing the records the Central Archives offered a reference service to the colonial administration and Pacific scholars.

When Fiji became independent in 1970 records relating to Fiji were transferred to the new Fiji National Archives, and the remaining collections renamed the Western Pacific Archives (WPA). With the disestablishment of the WPHC in 1978 the WPA also closed.

Found in 70 Collections and/or Records:

Western Pacific High Commission inwards correspondence files, MP series, 1899

Identifier: MSS Archives-2003/01-WPHC 4/IV-1899
Scope and Contents Collection comprises files of correspondence, or minute papers (MP) which include letters received, replies, related papers and publications along with comments, annotations, and instructions by administrators. Files includes correspondence between the Resident Commissioners, missionaries, Indigenous leaders, European traders, scientists and commercial entities and the High Commissioner for the Western Pacific, and the High Commissioner and the Secretary of State for the Colonies...
Dates: 1899

Western Pacific High Commission inwards correspondence files, MP series,1906.

Identifier: MSS Archives-2003/01-WPHC4/IV-1906
Scope and Contents Collection comprises files of correspondence, or minute papers (MP) which include letters received, replies, related papers and publications along with comments, annotations, and instructions by administrators. Files include correspondence between the Resident Commissioners, missionaries, Indigenous leaders, European traders, scientists and commercial entities and the High Commissioner for the Western Pacific, and the High Commissioner and the Secretary of State for the Colonies...
Dates: 1906

Western Pacific High Commission land claim records

Identifier: MSS Archives-2003/01-WPHC 18
Scope and Contents note

I. Land Claims Registers. 1886 – 1936. II. Copies of registered Land Claims. 1886 – 1907. III. Prints relating to Land Claims.

These records form part of the Western Pacific Archives (MSS & Archives 2003/1).

Dates: 1886 - 1936

Western Pacific High Commission miscellaneous records

Identifier: MSS Archives-2003/01-WPHC 10
Scope and Contents I. Oaths. 1925–1952. II. Ordinances. 1916–1951. III. Regulations. 1879–1951 IV. Rules, Orders & Regulations. 1927–1951. V. Proclamations. 1895–1951. VI. Acts. 1835–1939. VII. Commissions. 1877–1950. VIII. Descriptive Indexes and Registers. 1880–1961. IX. Reports. 1881–1958. X. W.P.H.C. Deeds and Licences. 1881–1922. XI. Papers relating to Marine Matters. 1879–1959. XII. Papers relating to G.E.I.C. Affairs. 1892–1946. XIII. Papers relating to B.S.I.P. Affairs. 1919–1962. XIV. Papers...
Dates: 1877-1962; 1835 - 1972

Western Pacific High Commission printed papers

Identifier: MSS Archives-2003/01-WPHC 8
Scope and Contents

I. Printed Estimates. 1915–1919. II. Printed papers relating to the New Hebrides. 1880–1940. III. Printed papers and typescript copies of documents relating to the Solomon Islands and New Guinea. 1880–1942. IV. Printed papers relating to Tonga. 1887–1918. V. Printed papers and typescript copies of documents relating to the Gilbert and Ellice Islands. 1875–1967. VI. Various printed papers relating to the Western Pacific, including copies of legislation. 1886–1960.

Dates: 1836 - 1986

Western Pacific High Commission records relating to civil aviation, marine and naval affairs

Identifier: MSS Archives-2003/01-WPHC 19-WPHC 19
Scope and Contents

I. Papers relating to Civil Aviation in the South Pacific. 1946–1969. II. Records relating mainly to Marine and Naval Affairs. 1879–1956. III. Records relating mainly to administrative matters. 1901–1969. These records form part of the Western Pacific Archives (MSS & Archives 2003/1).

Dates: 1879 - 1969